Start with the basics, embrace the challenges, and grow into a skilled IT professional.
Graduated from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) with a major in Information Technology, I am skilled in front-end technologies such as JavaScript, TypeScript, and React.I have knowledge of back-end tools as well ,including Express with Node.js and Django with Python.For database,I have experience of using SQL and NoSQl database such as MySql and MongoDB.Additionally, I am proficient in Chinese and English and have a working knowledge of Japanese and Korean, which allows me to communicate across different languages and cultures effectively.
Currently, I am looking for a position as a Front-End or Full Stack Engineer and hope to gain hands-on project experience and deepen my skills through my work.
In my spare time, I’m usually traveling, reading, and playing games.I also enjoy learning foreign languages as a way to better understand the traditions, history, and way of life in different countries. In the future, I aspire to visit more countries and immerse myself in diverse cultural environments.
Thank you for reading till the end! This website design is inspired by Brittany Chiang (, coded in Visual Studio Code,built with Next.js, and deployed with Vercel.